Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A solution to life's problems

My worst fears have come true. The joy that was to be my final day in class will now be marred by Qwest and a data center move. They have wanted us to move for several months. The couldn't get the data center work completed before Christmas, and I told them that I would move during the first part of January '06. I didn't hear from them upon my return from the break. I shouldn't have called them on it, but I was concerned that they would tell me that they wanted me to move right in the middle of our buildout at work.

Luckily, we won't be deploying our 100Mb/s Metro-Ethernet circuit. That means I don't have to worry about router configurations and new VLANs for at least another month. While I'm relatively comfortable with doing them, Cisco has changed the OS on their Catalyst switches enough that I can't fall back on my 6509 for guidance. Dammit.

Of course, I was hoping to not have to work this weekend. But, that is not to be. I'm not happy about it. Not at all. While looking through my e-mail, I found this note from Fez and it seemed appropriate. Thanks Fez!

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